My Christmas Sci-Fi List

It’s Christmas time again. I thought I’d re-post one of my old blog entries, one which involves two of my favorite things: Christmas and science fiction. Enjoy…

Bakhtin's Cigarettes

tipods2For some reason, I read a lot of science fiction during the holidays.  Maybe this is because I loved science fiction as a kid, and I had more time to read it during the Christmas break.  At any rate, this year I decided to post a list of great literary science fiction novels.

I’m not qualified to give a meaningful explanation of the difference between popular and literary fiction. My old professor, Jonathan Penner has already done that in his fine essay “Literary Fiction Versus Popular Fiction” (which I cannot find on the Internets, alas).  But suffice to say that popular fiction is defined by a formula.  As Penner states, “Every work of literary fiction seeks to be like none other; every work of genre fiction seeks to be like many others. Genre fiction works for effects on which the reader knows he or she may rely. Literary fiction always…

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